Idenix CEO Ron Renaud Q&A April 11, 2012 Idenix has been the subject of considerable attention with EASL (The European Association for the Study of the Liver) approaching and embargoed abstracts flying around the web. The company’s shares have been battered, dropping nearly 50% from January highs as questions have arisen over the potency of […]
IDIX – Quick chat w/ IDIX CEO Ron Renaud
I had a brief conversation w/ Idenix CEO Ron Renaud this afternoon. Not surprisingly, he was caught up in the deluge of EASL abstracts that were released today. Of particular concern for Idenix was one from Roche involving a trial of their nuc mericitabine and protease inhibitor danoprevir in combination with ribavirin. The trial was […]
Updates from the Roth Captial Partners Growth Conference
The annual Roth Capital Partners Growth Conference was held March 11-14, 2012. Find the complete presentation schedule and links to webcasts here. Isis Pharma (NASDAQ: ISIS) KYNAMRO (mipomersen) NDA will be filed in the next few weeks before end of quarter (missing this guidance would destroy the last shred of credibility ISIS management has […]
IDIX – Is IDX-184 Good Enough?
Idenix may have a new lease on life now that the FDA has lifted all holds on its lead nucleotide IDX184. The company is very keen to put its nuc in combination with a pan-genotypic compound, either a protease inhibitor or NS5a inhibitor. To ensure it doesn’t run into the same toxicity problems it had […]
VVUS, OREX, ARNA – Understanding the Advisory Committee
Playing VVUS, OREX, ARNA through FDA Adcomm and Qnexa PDUFA Over the past several months, these three companies, with their respective late-stage anti-obesity drug candidates, have experienced a considerable increase in volatility and share price, due in part to new regulatory revelations regarding clinical pathways to regulatory approval. We believe there will continued volatility leading […]
Updates from the Cowen & Co. Healthcare Conference
The early spring biotech investor conference calendar continued with the annual Cowen & Co. Healthcare Conference held March 5-7, 2012 in Boston, MA. As always, my webcast notes below contain only key updates, changes, or new information, and do not represent a complete reprise of any presentation. Additional details on many of these companies can […]
MAPP – Thoughts on MAPP’s PDUFA for LEVADEX
With MAP Pharmaceutical’s upcoming PDUFA for tomorrow, I just wanted to lay out some of my thoughts on their LEVADEX application going into this. Bull case – 505b(2) NDA utilizing the FDA’s familiarness with DHE via injectable DHE and nasal spray, Migranal. – Successful Phase 3 trial; hit required efficacy endpoints – Compares well to […]
POZN – Succeeds In Two Pivotal Trials- A Chat With Management:
POZN Succeeds In Two Pivotal Trials- A Chat With Management: (Apologies in advance- no transcript, just some notes.) As we know, Pozen announced yesterday positive top-line results from two pivotal Phase 3 clinical trials of PA32540, a novel, coordinated-delivery tablet of immediate-release omeprazole (40 mg) and delayed release aspirin (325 mg). I spoke briefly with […]
Quick take on some upcoming FDA decisions and clinical data
A few comments to highlight some upcoming data or PDUFA events. Threshold Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: THLD) has been quite the stock the past few months after landing a partnership with Merck KGaA and reporting positive top-line PFS data from their Phase 2 study in pancreatic cancer. On Monday, April 2nd @ 10:30AM PST, Threshold will be […]
ASCO 2012: American Society of Clinical Oncology Preview Part 2
The 2012 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting[link] will take place from June 1st to 5th in Chicago. This is the world’s largest meeting of oncology professionals where some of the industry’s most important data presentations will take place. With conferences like these, come the abstracts releases for presentations; this year abstracts will […]
ARIA – Quick take on Ariad’s upcoming FDA panel
Glancing at the catalyst calendar, we see that ARIAD Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ARIA) Ridaforolimus is scheduled to go before a FDA Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee on March 20th(Monday)[link] to review their NDA. (The proposed tradename for Ridaforolimus is Taltorvic.) The briefing documents should be available for this meeting tomorrow morning. ARIAD has gone to great lengths […]
ASCO 2012: American Society of Clinical Oncology Preview Part 1
The 2012 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual meeting[link] will take place from June 1st to 5th in Chicago. This is the world’s largest meeting of oncology professionals where some of the industry’s most important data presentations will take place. With conferences like these, come the abstracts releases for presentations; this year abstracts will […]