April 24 Biotech Update

There is a decent amount of news flow today, which makes sense given that I have little time to cover it all this morning. I will try and go through the main news and touch on the most important aspects. Overall, it is not feeling like this earning season will be enough to change sentiment, […]

Dave Trading – May 2018

*** David Sobek is a disciplined value investor.  Using models, research, and fundamental data, David devises a value for biotech stocks, buys when significantly undervalued, and sells when significantly overvalued.*** As a reminder, this is my personal guide.  You can alter it in accordance with your risk tolerance. >3 Standard deviations – No position 2-3 […]

April 23 Biotech Update

Sort of a quite start to the week but it is Monday of the first week of earnings, so it is not completely surprising to see a slow start. Obviously news will pick up with the earnings this week and perhaps we get some news outside of earnings but that remains TBD. 1. PRTA announced […]

April 20 Biotech Update

It is all about deal making it appears. We are getting closer to the earnings but deals are happening and might be happening or not happening as the case may be. The sector remains in an odd spot where large caps need deals but they also seem reluctant to make deals, although they do take […]

April 19 Biotech Update

We are starting to enter into earnings season, which will pick up next week. This will obviously be driving price action and there is usually a little more risk/volatility in 1Q earnings given the donut whole. This happens every year and you would expect that people would understand by now but every year there is […]

April 18 Biotech Update

We certainly seem to be moving away from the macro concerns to more sector specific issues, which is good to finally see. Of course, we are only one news cycle away from the macro driving the sector again but for now it seems like the sector survived and seems to be doing well. 1. BPMC […]

April 16 Biotech Update

We had the Syrian strikes over the weekend and for all intents and purposes it was typically political theater, which makes it enough for all sides to declare victory and move on. Perhaps there will be further consequences in the future but for now it is unlikely to be a significant macro worry for the […]

April 13 Biotech Update

It is the calm before the storm and I hopefully mean the calm before the AACR and earnings season. We are not quite out of the woods yet on Syria but I think we are close. UN inspectors should be arriving Saturday to test for chemical weapons and I doubt the US would launch an […]

April 12 Biotech Update

I am still convinced that the biggest macro risk for the market remains Syria. While there remains a chance that there is ultimately no attack, it seems that the past couple days has been a buildup of assets around Syria to allow for a more robust campaign. The final decision has not been made but […]

April 11 Biotech Update

Yesterday we were higher so obviously the whiplash has to continue with a red day today. The proximate cause of the weakness is concerns over Syria with Trump’s early morning taunt of Russia. I am not sure how it will play out during the day but this could keep a lid on the market and […]

April 10 Biotech Update

I am rushed this morning but I wanted to put out a quick note. The market is still volatile with the Cohen search yesterday sending the market down and the potential relaxation of the trade war sending the markets higher. I want to highlight a third macro issue and that is Syria. It is a […]

April 9 Biotech Update

I picked the wrong day to be out of the office. I thought the news will be in a lull before AACR picked up later this week. I guess I was wrong (on multiple fronts). The trading leading into AACR and during AACR will be key to the sector getting a more sustained move higher. […]

April 5 Biotech Update

The sector finally got its bounce and took some of the beaten down large caps with it. The sector (and market more generally) needs to follow through on this move and I do not mean a couple more hours but days of consolidation. A little back filling is fine but we cannot have another one […]

April 4 Biotech Update

The market is a volatility machine. We went so long without any real volatility and now all we have a whiplash moves. In periods of these, the goal is to trade less (at least for those with a longer term view). Let the valuations come to you and do not worry about the swings. It […]

April 2 Biotech Update

Thursday was not a bad follow through for the sector. I am still not convinced that we are out of the forest quite yet but we are at least further away from the abyss that was staring at the sector earlier last week. This week looks to be quiet to start as there is not […]

March 29 Biotech Update

It has certainly been an interesting couple of days. It looked like the sector was toast Tuesday and then we end up not getting the follow through selling yesterday. Despite all of the whiplash trading, there really has not been a lot of net movement higher or lower. What I do find a little interesting […]

March 27 Biotech Update

We seemingly got our bounce yesterday. It was touch and go a little in the afternoon but the market ended strong. While the trading might simply be a reflection of a higher volatility market, it did not feel like a healthy market. This still feels like we could be trading in the respite before another […]

March 26 Biotech Update

The market is going to bounce today and there are a number or proximate reasons. It could be the Stormy bottom. A dead cat, oversold bounce. A “maybe there will not be a trade war” bounce. Maybe a little of each or none of them. Bottoms on Fridays are a little rare, so the gap […]

March 23 Biotech Update

It seems like the market does not like 19th century economic policies, although I think it is likely more than simply the tariffs. The market has risen despite numerous political risks and now it seems to be more accurately reflecting the risks that arose the past 18 months. So it is not just the tariffs, […]