CBST – An Outlook

Cubist management gave a five-year outlook at their Investor Day presentation on June 11; it was quite impressive. The most notable point was management’s projection of $2 billion in global revenue by the end of 2017- more than double expected 2012 sales. Moreover, Cubist aims to increase non-GAAP operating income to $700 million. Achieving the […]

IDIX – Quick Take on IDX184

Idenix released SVR4 data for its lead drug IDX184 and early 3-day results of the promising NS5A inhibitor IDX719 Tuesday afternoon. Both sets of data looked good, sending IDIX shares soaring in after-hours trading. 31 patients from the first cohort of Idenix’s Phase IIb study were randomized to either 50mg (n=16) or 100mg (n=15) IDX184 […]

INFI – Update on Infinity Pharmaceuticals

For the second time this year, on June 18th, 2012 Infinity Pharma held a conference call to discuss their hedgehog pathway inhibitor drug candidate saridegib (IPI-926). Unfortunately, as in January, the news was not good. After the data monitoring committee stopped the saridegib plus gemcitabine trial in January, Infinity decided to proceed with additional trials in […]

EXEL – Post-ASCO thoughts on Exelixis

This post will be a follow up on what was previously said[link] about Exelixis (NASDAQ: EXEL) at ASCO 2012. Their key presentations in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) took place on Monday/Tuesday of the conference. Exelixis provided a link to all of their posters and presentations at the conference[link] and held an investor briefing[link]. Cabo for […]

ONXX – Preview of Onyx Pharmaceuticals ODAC

On Monday investors are expecting the FDA’s briefing documents to be posted for Onyx Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ONXX) upcoming Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee (ODAC) to review their NDA for Krypolis(Carfilzomib) for the treatment of patients with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma(MM) who have received at least two prior therapies. The ODAC will take place on Wednesday, […]

A Deliberate Walk Down Wall Street – Opinion

The Random Walk Hypothesis first emerged in the 1800s and was popularized in 1973 by Burton Malkiel in his book titled, “A Random Walk Down Wall Street”. This theory asserts that stock prices move randomly and can not be predicted by market participants; any observed cycles are purely due to chance. It is closely linked […]

BMRN – What’s going on at BioMarin

Biomarin(NASDAQ: BMRN) is a company that specializes in developing treatments for rare diseases. They currently have 4 approved drugs in Kuvan for PKU, Naglazyme for MPS VI Aldurazyme for MPS I, Firdapse(approved in the EU only) for LEMS. The majority of their current revenue comes from sales of Naglazyme with 2012 revenue guidance of $250 […]

ARQL – Post-ASCO take on Arqule

At ASCO 2012, Arqule (NASDAQ: ARQL) presented the full results from their randomized Phase 2 trial of Tivantinib in previously treated second-line treatment in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In the ITT population, time-to-tumor progression was statistically significant with a hazard ratio [HR] = 0.64 (p-value = 0.04) with 6.9 weeks vs. 6.0 weeks. No real difference […]

INCY- 12-week RA Results Follow-up

Incyte and partner Eli Lilly presented complete full 12-week results for its JAK inhibitor INCB28050 (LY300904), now known as baricitinib June 8 at EULAR as a late-breaker. A total of 301 subjects with inadequate response to methotrexate (MTX) were enrolled in Eastern Europe, India, Mexico, and the U.S. The trial was run by Lilly. This is a […]

INCY – Outstanding 3-Month RA Data

Data from the 12-week portion of Incyte’s 24-week Phase IIb study in patients with moderate to severe RA were released in an abstract ahead of EULAR today. In this 301 patient trial, patients were randomized to placebo, 1mg, 2mg, 4mg, or 8mg INCB28050 (also known as LY3009104). All endpoints were met for the 4mg and […]

EASL – A Look Back- Lessons Learned

There were some early winners and losers this year at EASL. Here we examine a few new interferon-free combination treatments, the most exciting development in HCV today; and look outward to determine how the future may shape up. The Good News: The star of the stage, once again, was GS-7977 (formerly PSI-7977). Gilead’s nucleotide polymerase […]

IDIX – The Patent Interference Case

In early March, Idenix announced the USPTO (US Patent and Trademark Office) had declared a patent interference between its U.S. Patent Application no. 12/131,868 and Pharmasset’s (now Gilead’s) U.S. Patent no. 7,429,572. Idenix, with the earlier filing date, has been designated the senior party in this dispute, where the principal issue is to determine priority […]

ASCO 2012 presentations on my schedule

With the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology(ASCO 2012) set to kickoff on Friday, June 1st (thru the 5th), I thought I would share my list of must-see presentations(the bolded ones with links). Abstracts for all others can be found here[link]. There are so many presentations but so little time, it […]

EXEL – On Overall Survival And Bone Scans

Exelixis’ abstract of its final data from its pivotal Phase III study of cabozantinib in medullary thyroid (MTC) cancer was released on May 16th during the ASCO abstracts data dump. Investors already knew from top-line data released October 2011 that the drug was highly active and met the primary endpoint of progression free survival (PFS) […]