The market remains neutral in that stocks are reacting to news in predictable ways and there does not seem any real bid or selling to the sector in general. It seems like people have their positions established and are adjusting them when new information arises but other than that there does not seem to be […]
Progenics: Consolidation Ahead of the AdCom
Progenics Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (PGNX) -Nasdaq Relistor has been approved by regulatory authorities in the U.S., countries in the E.U., Canada and Australia since 2008 for treatment of OIC in advanced-illness patients receiving palliative care when laxative therapy has not been sufficient. On May 09, 2014 Progenics announced during the 1Q earnings call an FDA Advisory Committee […]
May 19 Biotech Update- The Merger Drama
It was certainly an interesting start to the week in terms of the PFE/AZN drama but the price action outside of those names was somewhat muted (I guess also outside the ITMN move). My point is that outside the names directly related to news, there was nothing significant and more of a trending day (with […]
May 16 Biotech Update- A CLL Battle Royale
A somewhat quiet day in the market as the ASCO abstracts hangover continues. Today I am going to focus solely on PCYC and ABBV as I think I have an off of consensus view and I want to be clear on my thought process. In general, PCYC has been selling off and ABBV has been […]
Catalyst Watch – Vol. 2, Edition 15 (5/15/14)
Below are current tactical and strategic thoughts on approaching FDA and clinical trial catalysts for select names. Estimates, values and views are as of the date published (or are noted), are subject to potential future, pre-catalyst revision and are not intended as investment recommendations. Please read our Disclaimer: (1) Catalyst Watch List – Update: Updates […]
May 15 Biotech Update- The ASCO Deluge Begins
So there is a lot to talk about with the ASCO abstracts and I will divide this up over a couple of days (I am trying to write quickly to get this out so excuse typos and poor grammar for the next couple of days). In general, I think the sense is that these are […]
May 14 Biotech Update- The Wait is Almost Over
Happy ASCO abstracts day. I would expect volatility as we get later into the day and perhaps some significant moves into tomorrow and then ASCO. I know the expectation of no ASCO run up but I still lean against that consensus and expect a run up into ASCO (especially if there is something to spark […]
May 13 Biotech Update- As We Wait for ASCO
Another good start for the sector today and this is certainly feeling like a change in sentiment but we need to remain cautious. That being said, I would lean toward being a more aggressive buyer on pullbacks as we are finally starting to see some bids in the mid to small cap space. I have […]
May 12 Biotech Update- Gearing Up for ASCO
We are getting into the ASCO frenzy and so it is not surprising that biotechs caught a bid this morning. It could just be coincidence or it could be yet another false start but we have been basing for a little while, so perhaps this is something more significant. The next leg higher will start […]
Sunesis: little value in VALOR
Sunesis Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: SNSS) is expected to report top-line data from the Phase III VALOR study in the third or fourth quarter of this year. The VALOR study is testing vosaroxin plus cytarabine vs. cytarabine alone in patients with first relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia (r/r AML), with survival as the primary endpoint. […]
Catalyst Watch – Vol. 2, Edition 14 (5/8/14)
Below are current tactical and strategic thoughts on approaching FDA and clinical trial catalysts for select names. Estimates, values and views are as of the date published (or are noted), are subject to potential future, pre-catalyst revision and are not intended as investment recommendations. Please read our Disclaimer: (1) Catalyst Watch List – Update: AEZS: […]
May 8- The Biotech Draft
While there are some stock specific pieces of news, I want to do something a little different today in honor of the NFL draft. I am going to draft my top 10 stocks. This is assuming that I have no positions at all, so this is not what I would be buying now but if […]
May 7 Biotech Update
I feel like a repeating record in that there is nothing really news worthy today and of course I am a certainly repeating myself in terms of the sector selling. I will just highlight some points that I have talked about before but seem germane for today. First, we are looking at a pretty bifurcated […]
May 6 Biotech Update- The Slow Week Cotinues
It was another pretty blah day in biotech land. I guess this is making up for all the news we have had the past couple of weeks. As I expected, the biggest news of the days is MRK business update (you can download the slides here) and the early verdict is that they are making […]
May 5 Biotech Update
Really not a lot to talk about today. The sector had a decent morning but news flow was relatively low outside of the PFE call. Even that was a little anti-climatic as it did not really add anything that we did not already know. They made the case that an AZN deal does not destroy […]
Catalyst Watch – Vol. 2, Edition 13 (5/2/14)
Below are current tactical and strategic thoughts on approaching FDA and clinical trial catalysts for select names. Estimates, values and views are as of the date published (or are noted), are subject to potential future, pre-catalyst revision and are not intended as investment recommendations. Please read our Disclaimer: (1) Catalyst Watch List – Update: Changes […]
May 2 Biotech Update- The Ups and Downs of the Sector
It was a generally good day in terms of news for the sector (with notable exceptions) but the price action was bad. I think this is going to be the probable going forward in that trading will be very choppy and volatile despite positive or negative news. I do not see this trading as changing […]
Outlook and New Beginnings
With ASCO approaching and some major market moving events, I just wanted to provide some perspective with earnings season almost over. – I get the impression that ASCO will be largely focused on how Bristol-Myers’ competition is looking and whether a viable dosing regimen of Yervoy+Nivolumab in non-small cell lung cancer can be found that […]
April 30 Biotech Update
It is not Tuesday so the selling continues. It seems like the turnaround Tuesdays happen but have no sticking power. At some point that trend will change and that should be an important tell. Whether that happens today or in a couple of months is not clear at this time but as long as the […]
April 29 Biotech Update- A Day of Steady Progress
The rollercoaster continues as we swing up and down in seemingly ever tighter time frames. In some ways, that seems good in that base building is a messy process with fairly rapid swings. I still think the sector needs the macro environment to be at least neutral in order to really set in a base […]