Very little news of interest today. The markets continue to be a low volume chop fest with biotechs tending to bear the brunt of the selling. I think a lot of the bios are going to need to see their 50 or 200 day moving averages before finding significant support and I would not be […]
August 12- EOD
It looks like we are setting up to have a week of data releases with VICL today and perhaps both GTXI and MNKD later this week. It should generate some interest but none of these will likely affect biotech sentiment writ large, so they should remain stock specific stories. That being said it looks like […]
August 9- EOD
Well this was a fittingly slow day to a slow weak with much more of the same in terms of trading and performance of biotechs. They seemed to have a little more strength today but nothing exceptionally notable. There are three little tidbits that I think are interesting that might have broader implications. 1. DNDN […]
August 8- EOD
So the low volume chop fest seemed to continue today and I expect it will continue for the rest of the summer. It is really hard to say whether biotechs are generally doing better or worse than the market as we see some pretty wide swings on little volume. It seems like they are underperforming […]
August 7- EOD
We have a combination of low volume and negative near term sentiment and thus biotechs have been weak. Most of the selling looks to be on low volume, so it is difficult to know whether this is the start of a broader trend that will pick up steam (and volume) or simply a pause that […]
August 6- EOD
Another quiet day on the biotech news front, where the only real news of interest was the REGN earnings. The REGN miss and weak market not surprisingly led to a rather broad based weakness in biotech. Outside of that there is really nothing significant to talk about but the news can pick up over the […]
August 5- EOD
It was actually a quiet start to the week but there are a couple of points that I want to make and issues to put on the radar. 1. I rarely talk macro but there are a couple of warning signs that are starting to become more important and they will affect the biotechs at […]
August 2- EOD
Fairly quiet day after a rather eventful week, so it is nice to have a little less to write about as we ease into the weekend. 1. I wanted to spend a little time talking about why I bought TTPH earlier this week with the TSRX proceeds. First, I wanted to keep most of the […]
August 1- EOD
Lots of good earnings and conference calls to go through. It is going to take a couple of days to sort through it all so I will try and focus on a couple of companies a day. 1. There was some discussion yesterday about SGEN and the news that the FDA will not add retreatment […]
July 31- EOD
Well, it was certainly a news filled evening and it will take a couple of days to sort through it all, so today will be a first cut. In general it was an odd day in biotech as there were certainly pockets of outperformance but the sector in general seemed weak despite the strength in […]
July 30th- EOD
While today seemed to have better trading action, the news was actually less interesting than Monday. There are a couple of notes but nothing quite significant. In fact, the most interesting news was in the commodities space with the Potash oligopoly seemingly about to collapse but hard to spin that into biotech. CEMP reports after […]
July 29- EOD
We finally had a major biotech merger but it was not one that got people excited as volumes and price action in biotech were neutral to negative for most of the day. Despite the lack of enthusiasm this was actually a pretty interesting day from the news front, so I will quickly touch on a […]
July 26-EOD
It was a relatively quiet day on the news front outside of the hep-C space where there as some news on both VRTX and GILD. Not much happening in the afternoon, so wrapping it up a little early. 1. VRTX announced that the FDA put a clinical hold on their all oral trial using VX-135. […]
July 25- EOD
We had a lot of large cap biotech news in terms of the earnings and I wanted to focus on two of them as both had clean beats but also gave some investors pause: CELG and BIIB. 1. BIIB absolutely blew out BG-12 sales. The sell side consensus was $70M and the buyside whisper was […]
July 24- EOD
The news du jour today was SRPT and I want to focus today’s note entirely on it because there is a lot to talk about. In addition, I want to focus on the bearish aspects to the story as I think the bullish case has been fairly well laid out. I would certainly not interpret […]
July 23- EOD
We still seem to be in a period of low news flow in terms of biotech stocks, which is fine as it gives me a chance to catch up on some longer term stories. In particular, I want to spend some time talking about ONTX as it should start trading Thursday and it is an […]
July 22- EOD
It is more of the same in that the market is a little quiet on news. I expected that there would be something interesting to talk about today but not so much. That being said there are a couple of items that I think might be important to note. 1. There has been a lot […]
July 19- EOD
Really seemed like a quiet summer day to end the week. Not much to talk about but a couple of follow up notes from earlier discussions. 1. To continue from my MYGN notes from yesterday, it was confirmed from LH that they will be in the BRCA market. This just builds on the bear case […]
July 18- EOD
Not a ton of news today, so this will be a little bit of a short update but some company specific news with CELG. Outside of that there was the IPO mania that might very well be peaking. I am not convinced that we are in a complete bubble simply because everyone is calling it […]
July 17- EOD
Well, we finally had a biotech merger but not any of the ones we expected. Outside of the small cap buyout, there was not a lot new today. 1. SPPI bought TLON this morning. What is really odd was that I almost wrote about SPPI yesterday but decided against it. When I was thinking about […]