It is not Tuesday so the selling continues. It seems like the turnaround Tuesdays happen but have no sticking power. At some point that trend will change and that should be an important tell. Whether that happens today or in a couple of months is not clear at this time but as long as the […]
April 29 Biotech Update- A Day of Steady Progress
The rollercoaster continues as we swing up and down in seemingly ever tighter time frames. In some ways, that seems good in that base building is a messy process with fairly rapid swings. I still think the sector needs the macro environment to be at least neutral in order to really set in a base […]
April 28 Biotech Update- Turning Up the M&A Speculation
It was another interesting and good start to the week (until we got into the usual late morning selling). In fact, it seems like we were just talking about a PFE offer for AZN last Monday (oh, wait we were). Is this the reason that the sector is stronger or are we simply getting an […]
April 25 Biotech Update- Approaching a Decision Point
The sector has not particularly strong the past couple of days but neither has it come close to reaching new lows. We had a very strong start to the week, so it is only natural that part of that move needs to be retraced. The question is how much. If we are able to put […]
April 23 Biotech Update- Shooting Out of the Earnings Gate
This was a relatively slow news day (compared to yesterday and Monday) but there is still a lot to talk about with the large cap earnings. The sector did not responsd great but it is still early and I want to see how it closes before judging this reaction. In addition, the market backdrop was […]
April 22- Building Some Momentum
Everyone loves biotechs again. Has the bottom been put in? Perhaps but there was a lot of damage done to the sector, so I would remain selective on buys and not chase any of these early moves. That being said the coast is likely clear for the near term assuming that the large cap biotechs […]
April 21 Biotech Update- Some Good News to Start the Week
You would think the morning after a holiday would not be too busy but I have been running around all morning trying to organize a number of different projects. Luckily there are really only two issues that I wanted to address today as they have import for both individual stocks but also perhaps for the […]
April 16 Biotech Update- An Early Continuation But Still a Fragile Sector
This is another slow day (in terms of news) and this time I promise to keep it short and actually keep it short as the sector is so volatile right now that it is almost impossible to explain why some stocks are going higher and others lower. For instance, I have no idea why ECYT […]
April 15 Biotech Update
Another day and nothing to talk about except more selling. There is really nothing more to say at this point that has not already been said. There is a significant correction in the growth sector of the market and funds are hitting the sell button every day and it will continue despite the fundamentals of […]
April 14 Biotech Update-
It was a really slow day on the news front, which could simply relate to the start of a pre-holiday week. I did not think it would extend all the way to today but so far nothing major happening in the sector. I will touch on a couple of ideas but will keep this short […]
April 11 Biotech Update- The Beating Continues
Well, there is not much to say about the market and sector other than selling is in vogue and there does not seem to be a clear catalyst that could change the tone of the market. I would also remind you that the apparent catalyst of this negative turn (pricing letter from Congress to GILD) […]
Celgene Markman Hearing Documents
Celgene Reply Markman Decl ISO Celgene Markman Reply-1 CELG brief Natco got RLI illegally blocks access to employee who got RLI fro Natco
April 9 Biotech Update
As we have been apt to do, this morning was relatively strong but we need to see how this holds up throughout the day. If we are to be optimistic, then having a rally so close to the negative pricing headlines is good as was the decent performance of a number of small caps yesterday. […]
April 8 Biotech Update- Revenge of the Pricing Questions
While I was expecting to talk a little about AGIO today, I want to go back to the macro sector sentiment as the proverbial hits keep on coming with ESRX making more noise about Sovaldi prices. In general, ESRX is arguing that GILD is going to bankrupt the entire healthcare system and that they will […]
April 7 Biotech Update- An Active AACR
So a lot to talk about and I will briefly touch on a lot and then expand later this week as I doubt many days will be a busy as today in term of news. The sector had a good morning but we have seen this before and at this point it will not be […]
April 4 Biotech Update
As often happens when you have small children the best laid plans are often disrupted. So I am taking care of a child with a suspected strep throat infection (the irony is certainly not lost on me given how much time I spend researching antibiotics and the companies that are developing new treatments) and this […]
April 2nd Biotech Update
The sector was a little manic today in that the large caps continue to find a good bid but as you move down the market cap food chain the price action is more mixed. This makes perfect sense as investors are slowly coming back into the sector and are going after value and the security […]
April 1 Biotech Update- Trying Not to be Fooled by the Rally
So it appears that window dressing is over and people are now willing to buy small cap biotechs but as with every other morning we need to see if this interest continues throughout the day. I am not completely convinced that the small cap selling was entirely window dressing but there is something to be […]
March 31 Biotech Update- Is this the Bounce We are Looking For?
So this seems to be the rally we were looking for but that is assuming it does not fade in the afternoon like every other recent rally attempt. So far the rally is a little more broad based and stronger but we have seen this story before. That being said even if this is the […]
A Follow Up
Just a really quick update. I had a good email exchange with one of the lead ACLF trial investigators and he basically confirmed what CNAT noted in their CC. The exclusion/inclusion criteria were so restrictive that it was virtually impossible for anyone to qualify. The investigator was confident that the issues were corrected with the […]